Saturday, June 22, 2013

Friends and Adventures

More of both. Be agreeable and find reasons to say yes. Thanks to all of you. Just a few of the more memorable questions below.

Need a place to stay?

Want a ride to DC to do that bike ride on the C&O?

Can you patch a 29er?

Via text message pedaling down the trail: can you login remotely and...?

Mind if I ride with you for a while?

How about a tour of Quantico?

Have you considered a life coach?


How do you feel about India?

Want to hike up a mountain to a holy site?

We are cycling in Kerala, join us?

Want to go skiing?

How about a hockey game?

Hike on the AT?


Want to join our 200 mile relay run team?

Ever done a mud run?

Want to help collect poisonous plants?

Another relay in New England and Raleigh?

There are more. These are the few that came to mind in the van with friends enroute to the next adventure.