With two new tubes it's time to ride. Google Maps cycling layer shows a nice green track around White Rock Lake

There's even a "cyclist parking lot" great for setup. Parking is scarce. There are multiple lots along the frontage road if the cyclist lot is full.

Trails around the lake are great. Many parallel or overlap with the road. Traffic calming makes it particularly nice for cycling. This is a nice contrast to my other running experiences in Dallas where I find few sidewalks and have literally jumped into yards to avoid oncoming SUVs.

There is a nice late evening shady section on the west side of the lake.

Recent storms in the area have been pretty intense - bringing down lots of limbs on the trails as well.

I was saddened and surprised to find a tree of this size blown over on the trail. Most trees are more like shrubs and pretty scraggly. This was a rare specimen.

Corner Bakery is one of my favorite places to visit when in Washington, D.C. Odd to see the name atop a building with no cafe in sight.

Beautiful mission-esqu building along the trail heading north away from the lake.

An awesome round about at the northern terminus. "keep right" and ride a large leisurely loop. This is at the end of a new section of trail that doesn't yet appear on Google Maps. This trailhead is very close (2 blocks?) to another trail that heads further north to Richardson and Plano. Nice job Texas getting on board with connecting trails to make complete systems!

It was an emergency that I stop and get a picture of this sign. I've seen these on several roads, typically associated with gov't installations, but never on a bike path.

The trail follow White Rock Creek. Generally the creek bed is pretty unsightly. This section was kind of nice.

Nice to know a location for 911 - and even better to have starbucks sign within view of trail... Trailside temptations! There is a promising looking Taqueria at the other end of the same building...

After a good afternoon ride I was rolling back toward the lake as the sun set.

And finally done... Two hour ride around the lake, then up to the northern terminus, then back to the lake. Great to find a cycling haven in Dallas. Lots of cyclists and runners. Even water stations and bathrooms around the lake. Lots of playgrounds along the trail for little tikes. Sailboats and paddle boats on the lake. Great recreational area and nice to see so many people being active and tacking advantage.
And great to be back on two wheels.
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