Facing north from hotel. Sharp contrast to the marble and glass hotel room.

Facing west from the hotel.

Google found walking directions for the 2km between hotel and office. I had the driver cover the route last night so I could see what I was getting myself into. I didn't follow this exact path but it's good enough for landmarks.

I think this is "No Trespassing" in any language.

Sweeping roads inside the business park

And finally my home away from home, or at least one building of it. Campus is beautiful. I can't articulate the relief when my badge scanned green at turn styles and door ways. Membership has its privileges.
Highlights of the walk over
* hotel security guard turned me back toward the lobby when I exited via stairs
* several rounds of frogger crossing roads. I'd like to video street crossing to help others appreciate but I need all my faculties engaged otherwise
* I rerouted laterally on the far side of a road around a ditch below and waist high live electrical wire
* at one point I hoped on across the tops of poles ala "Jungle Hunt" (anyone?) to escape questionable ground below while leaning right to avoid a questionable looking electrical installation
* I've come to appreciate horns to mean, "Hello, I'm here". One bus passed particularly close on my right (walk/drive on the left here) without a gratuitous horn and spooked me a bit. He was close enough and fast enough the wind blew me off balance.
Otherwise there were simple people going about their daily lives. I saw welding, construction, auto repairs, tire repairs, deliveries, and all manner of commuting. We all put our pants on one leg at a time. Well, assuming the garment has legs.
It was an invigorating 2km walk.
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