The ride started out wet and cool. Rain was a nice reprieve from hundred degree days. Fog in the mountains is reminiscent of the more southerly smokey mountains.

The trail was alive with wildlife. Does with spotted fawns were everywhere. There were many pairs of spotted fawns. Are multiple births common in white tail deer?

I took an earlier picture from this same aqueduct showing clear water and clearly visible rocks in the water. Nice contrast here.

Storm debris was everywhere along the sides of the trail. Front end loaders went through pushing trees off the sides and into the canal. Turtles seemed to particularly enjoy sunning on the new fallen trees. The rain seemed to being even more debris onto the trail.

It may not come through in low res pics but my bike was caked in mud. The front derailleur was one big block of dirt.

This heron hung out for pictures. He stayed while I tended to lose ends. Then he stared at me as I ride past. I was close enough to see his pupils. I wanted to reach for the camera but was too busy reveling in the experience.

Some places looked like tornado touch downs.

Great falls were nice.

Just below the falls the path detours. I found the "right" detour heading east and avoided crossing a ridge on narrow paved roads.

Fun stairs to ride down on the detour. More benefits of using a mountain bike for the trail.

Canal maintenance in progress. Hopefully this will indeed wrap up in 2012. This bypass is trivial compared to the Slackwater bypass. That section really needs the TLC.

The canal runs over this road. quite interesting.

The C&O Companion app on iPhone recommends a hotel across the Key bridge. It took a few tries to find the right bridge.

I never found milepost 0. I did find a plaque colocated with Lock 1. That's sufficient end for me.

Then I flipped around to find hotel. This was along the way.

Good fortune followed me to the hotel where the front desk helped out with a spigot, garden hose, and nozzle. I bathed the bike and me in the parking lot.
The volume of pedestrian and cycling commuters in DC was refreshing. Waist lines were also smaller. Coincidence?
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