I opted for a Slime tube after my most recent bike flat. Ride time is precious - more pedaling, less sitting on the side of the road.
The slime tube rolled just two short weeks before tryouts. Friday mornings are notoriously busy. Three miles into my commute I hear spewing air. As soon as I recognize it the sound stops. Green slime decorates the bike but air stays in the tire. Slime got me to work on time, showered, fed, and ready for a barrage of meetings. I didn't have time to inspect the damage but did revel in rewards of planning. That earns kudos with me.
The slime held through the day and the evening commute without stopping for maintenance. Another rush of air erupted on the way home and slime doubled down. I was thrilled and concurrently learning the extent of my borrowed time.
I wheeled into REI on route to pickup new tires previously ordered and tossed in a couple new slime tubes devoid of any buyers remorse. People on the trail got quite a kick out of me biking along with two bike tires draped around my torso. I tried strapping them to the panniers first but they slumped down against the rolling wheel. I reasoned most cars would not fair much better in attempts to haul a full set of fresh treads for themselves. I needed something to ponder with my slower speed and extra ride time.
Garmin shows over 600 miles of biking since January 1. Worn tires on the bike vouch for those and some extra from last year. Tires are the first step. New drive train and aerobars are in queue. I really like the current bar tape job. Lincoln at Bicycle Chain in Chapel Hill does nice work. The tape will have to be replaced to remove brake levers and add aerobars. Spokes and wheels may need some TLC as well.
Successfully wearing out a part is a point of pride and opportunity for investment. My mountain bike tires fell victim to dry rot first. I wore out BMX tires earlier in life mostly with gratuitous breaking and slide outs. Truly wearing out a tire was cool. Road bike tires don't count because they are barely there from the beginning. The new bike tires have wire beads and Kevlar. Inset treads should provide smooth ride with sone traction on softer terrain. Miles will judge the efficacy. Personally I'm excited at the prospect of trying to wear these out.

Another noteworthy change is my renewed attempts to escape the death grip of sugar in the forms of pepsi, coke, and sweet tea. Simply being from the south is a 10 point penalty on health. These sugars do not help. I do favor a soda tax.
Day 1 was tough ending in headache. That just reinforces the extent of the problem. Days 2&3 were easier. My next big challenge comes on Monday with return the office an then again around the one week mark when "what's the harm in just one" rears it's siren song. The problem is there isn't just one. Three days in, 18 remaining to make it a habit. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, ...
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